YMR Train Shoppe

YMR Train Shop

A brick building with an open sign in front of it

The YMR Train Shoppe is a non-profit, volunteer run project of the Denver Area Youth in Model Railroading club. All profits from the shop go to support the YMR club. Nearly all items in the shop are donated and new donations are always accepted.


The shop opened in 2016 and is run solely by volunteers of the club.


Youth in Model Railroading (YMR) is a model train club solely dedicated to children, ages 8-18. For over 25 years, our organization has helped educate and support the next generation of rail enthusiasts by teaching techniques in modeling, electronics, and the artistry of model railroading. YMR helps foster interest in the hobby while providing members a common outlet for sharing their passion for trains with like-minded peers.

  • A store filled with shelves filled with lots of items.

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  • A table with a train set on it and a sign that says yes.

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  • A sign that says ythnmar is on the wall

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  • A shelf filled with train cars and a sign that says railroad crossing

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  • A display case filled with toy trains and signs including one that says

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  • A display case filled with model trains and a sign that says my train is midnight has derailed

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  • A room filled with lots of toy trains including one that says detroit

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  • A store filled with lots of shelves filled with toys.

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  • A group of people are standing around a table with a pumpkin on it.

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  • A group of people are looking at boxes on a shelf in a store.

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  • A group of men are standing around a counter in a store.

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  • A group of men are working on a model train set in a workshop.

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  • A room with wooden floors , shelves , and a display case.

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